After 24 months of intense joint work between four entities of reference in Spain and Italy of the business world and the field of training in the construction industry, Co.Tutor comes to an end. This bi-national initiative, which started in October 2016, will present its results, especially to Spanish SMEs, on 24 September at the National Confederation of Construction (CNC), as part of the final dissemination day of this Erasmus+ project.
Fundación Laboral de la Construcción has led Co.Tutor, together with the close collaboration of the CNC, on the Spanish side, and of the Associazione Nazionale de Costruttori Edili (Ance) and the Ente per la Formazione e l’addestramento professionale nell’edilizia (Formedil), on the Italian side. The four organizations have collaborated to achieve an essential objective: to improve the participation of SMEs in the construction industry in training programs that include internships in companies (Dual Training, Certificates of Professionalism, etc.).
To this end, during the project, a series of actions have been carried out to analyse and propose strategic solutions to help overcome the difficulties encountered by SMEs when welcoming apprentices. Likewise, the consortium has committed itself to promoting the figure of the tutor in the company, a key actor for the success of the student’s learning, creating a framework in which their competences are recognised.
This professional forum will deal with the development, collaborative work and contribution that the results of Co.Tutor offer to trainers and SMEs.
The “Co.Tutor Final Dissemination Day: Improving the participation of construction SMEs in apprentice training” is organised by the CNC, with the collaboration of the Fundación Laboral, in which the State Employment Public Service (Sepe) will participate, as well as the companies Grupo Elsamex, Monteabaria and Arpada.
Registration is open for the event to be held on Monday 24 September, from 10:00 to 13:00 hours, at the facilities of the National Confederation of Construction (CNC), located at Calle Diego de León, 50 (28006 Madrid).
For more details, see the program of the day in this link. In addition, attendance is free, subject to registration, until full capacity.