Co.Tutor deals with the improvement of participation of construction SMEs in the training programmes that include practices in companies (Dual system training, Professional Certificates, etc.).
With this aim, a series of actions have been carried out: analysis and proposal of strategic solutions to help overcome difficulties faced by the SME to host apprentices, and to boost the role of the in-company tutor, as the key actor to ensure the student’s learning success, creating a framework where her/his competences may be recognised.
In addition, the partners of the Co.Tutor project participate, directly or indirectly, in the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA), a platform managed by the European Commission since July 2013, which brings together governments with other key stakeholders, such as companies, social partners, chambers, providers of Vocational Education and Training (VET), regions, youth representatives or expert groups. The common objective is to strengthen the quality, the offer and the image of learning in Europe, as well as the mobility of apprentices.