The globalization, automation, and digitalization have tested the knowledge of the employees, whose have required to upskill and re-skill for increase their competitiveness inside the labor market.
This fact has affected in a high way to the adults, who are working or have a stable employment. They need to refresh their own skills and develop others to face the new challenges of the construction sector and compete with other professionals on an equal footing.
The European Working Group has considered the continuous training is the key for increase the qualification employees and believed that promoting adult learning in the workplace needs to become a political priority and be translated into concrete action in the different EU states. In that sense, the adults could develop not only job-related skills but also basic and transversal competences that make their more resilient to changes in their career and life.
Decalogue for the lifelong learning in the workplace
For that aim, the European Working Group has develop a Decalogue, which would be adapt to the different countries taking into account their own conditions, for being more effectives and research high benefits:
- Encourage employers to adopt a learning culture that supports career-long learning.
- Ensure that adult learning in the workplace puts learners on a lifelong learning pathway (supported by guidance systems and validation of prior learning).
- Secure the long-term commitment of all stakeholders.
- Ensure effective coordination between all stakeholders, agree with the roles and responsibilities.
- Communicate a positive vision about learning in the workplace using encouraging language.
- Search sustainable co-funding systems, which provide benefits.
- Ensure that workplace learning is tailored to employee´s needs.
- Ensure that learning in the workplace responds to employer’s needs.
- Assure the quality of learning in the workplace.
- Set up effective monitoring and evaluation systems to test the relevant and effective of this practice.