The Co.Tutor project is composed of four 6-month stages, whose finalisation sets the delivery of the different products and outcomes. Also, different transversal activities related to planning, management and dissemination of the project will be carried out.
In addition, a crucial activity for the completion of the project is the trust-generation with key stakeholders who will adhere to the initiative and will contribute with their expert knowledge.
The project partners are involved in all the stages and their commitment lead them to provide their expertise in order to achieve the success of the project.
The final deliverables that will be developed will be the following:
Report on good practices concerning apprenticeship in European SMEs, which will also include the identification of constraints that are hindering the participation of the Spanish and Italian SMEs in apprenticeship programmes. Once identified these good practices and constraints, a Strategic Roadmap will be developed, in order to suggest effective measures to involve Spanish and Italian SMEs in the apprenticeship programmes and to allow them for overcoming the current barriers.
The development of this first deliverable is coordinated by Formedil and is currently close to finalisation.
Report on status quo of in-company tutors in Spain and Italy, carried out after the analysis of their training function developed in the European construction companies. Also, the map of competences needed for this in-company tutor role will be defined, in line with ECVET (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training), facilitating the process to allow them to obtain recognition of their professional attitudes and knowledge.
This deliverable is managed by Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (FLC) and it is foreseen to be ready by autumn 2017.
Third stage will be the design of a new sectorial qualification in Europe, called “In-company tutor in the construction industry”, and the description of the associated training contents. This qualification will include general skills (didactic communication, leadership, team working, etc.), skills for integral management (safety, quality, and environment) and skills related to the promotion of the energy efficiency in the buildings.
Formedil will manage the development of this stage that will be predictably finished by spring 2018.
Finally, and aiming at increasing the quality of the apprenticeship programmes in SMEs, different mechanisms that will promote excellence and participation will be developed. This will be done through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and a description of the recognition and accreditation system.
FLC will coordinate this stage, ending in September 2018.
During the whole lifespan of the project (October 2016 – September 2018), the national Construction Confederation (CNC) and the National Association of Private Construction Contractors (ANCE) will lead the adherence to the project by stakeholders, a necessary and crucial support in pursue of the involvement and awareness-raise of the interested parties in the topics dealt with this initiative.
At this respect, support will be expressed through individually signed letters of commitment, and a report with the results of the four seminars that will be held along the project, together with a report of evaluation and validation by the members of the National Advisory Groups (NAG).